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You are here:Home > DRYING TUMBLERS > Stack 30 Pound (300 Liter) Capacity > Rear Control Box - Gas Non-CE Models (Drawing 1 of 2)
NA M413505 Jumper Harness Assembly 120 Volt/50 or 60 Hertz/1 Phase; OM and RM control suffixes

NA M413504 Jumper Harness Assembly 100 Volt/50 or 60 Hertz/1 Phase

NA M413510 Jumper Configuration Assembly 480 Volt/60 Hertz/3 Phase

NA M413509 Jumper Harness Assembly 415 Volt/50 Hertz/3 Phase

NA M413508 Jumper Harness Assembly 380 Volt/50 Hertz/3 Phase

NA M413506 Jumper Harness Assembly 208 Volt/60 Hertz/1 or 3 Phase

NA 70067001P High Limit Harness

NA 70204501 Main Remote Interface Harness Assembly

NA 70083201 Ignition Control Harness Assembly DT, JT, LT, NT, PT and ST models

NA 70083301P Ignition Control Harness JA and SA models

NA 70204601 Junction Box Harness Assembly

NA 70084001 Jumper Bypass Assembly MT and OM control suffixes

NA M413431 Pushbutton Switch JA and SA models

1 M414312P Transformer 120 Volt/60 Hertz/1 Phase; NC, NR, NX, NY, ZC, ZR, ZX and ZY control suffixes

1 M414230P Transformer 120 Volt/60 Hertz/1 Phase; All other control suffixes

1 M414228P Transformer 200-240 Volt/60 Hertz/3 Phase; 200-240 Volt/50 Hertz/1 or 3 Phase

1 M414229P Transformer 380-480 Volt/50 or 60 Hertz/3 Phase

2 M405824 Screw

3 430642 Terminal Block

4 M413862 Insulator

5 70030501 Expansion Clip

6 M414240 Fuse 2 Amp; 100 Volt

6 M413118 Fuse 2 Amp; 120 to 240 Volt

6 M413621 Fuse 0.5 Amp; 380 Volt and higher

6 M414232 Fuse 3.5 Amp; All other voltages

7 91024P Fuse Receptacle

7 M413544P Fuse Holder 380 Volt and higher

8 70086301 Fuse Bracket Low voltage

8 70086401 Fuse Bracket 380 Volt and higher

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